Become A Member

Brochure – free listing of your business name and phone number in a full color brochure to promote the downtown area and bring business into your business. These brochures are available in all merchant locations, City of Roseville, Chamber of Commerce, South Placer Tourism Bureau and local hotels to promote tourism in Downtown Roseville.
Activities to Promote Downtown
Downtown Tuesday Nights – a summer event to bring our community to Downtown Roseville. As a member, with a storefront in Downtown Roseville, you are eligible for a discounted booth space at Downtown Tuesday Nights and will be able to participate in all other special events.
Parades – Holiday and Independence Day Parades furthering the exposure of your business.
Fall Family Fun Night – A great opportunity in October to showcase your store while families stop by to enjoy a little “trick or treating” and activities.
Tree Lighting Ceremony/Open House – A December event bringing shoppers to Downtown during the holidays to shop Downtown.
Light up the Streets - A month long holiday event – A December event with businesses lit up with lights.
City of Roseville – as a Merchant Association, we have a strong voice to help direct the City regarding what they do in Downtown Roseville and how that affects your business. As a member, your concerns, ideas, suggestions are promoted via the Merchant Association. As we all know, there is more power in numbers (that means members)! The City has a non-voting position on our board of directors and we are members on many of the city’s various committees and workgroups that directly affect our downtown businesses and environment.
Chamber of Commerce – The Merchant Association is a member of the Roseville Chamber of Commerce. This provides our merchant association an opportunity to utilize the services/resources available and to promote activities regarding Downtown Roseville. Our members sit on various committees of the chamber and ensure that our downtown viewpoint is included in city-wide chamber efforts.
Other Benefits
Signage – by placing the member shop sign in your front window that indicates your support of the local business community and your business stability.
Networking – it’s not who you know… it’s the benefit that comes from who knows you that will bring more customers in your door. Working together as a collaborative group of merchants will create a greater sense of “community” Downtown. By networking with other merchants and employees you will gain additional customers and be able to provide/gain support, ideas, etc. that may assist you in your business. Our membership knows that being customers of each other’s businesses provides a built-in support base and helps us all in the long run. We promote each other and sometimes even trade services with each other for a win-win team situation.
Merchant Association Meetings – are conducted on a monthly basis. A schedule of meetings will be provided to you.
Board of Directors – meet every month to discuss ideas, concerns, and suggestions from other merchants in order to execute the by-laws and actions plans of the Association. A list of Board Members, Committees will be provided to you.
Committees – are developed for special projects. You will have an opportunity to work with other Downtown Merchant Association members on these projects. A list of opportunities will be provided to you.